[Broadsword, [ADV-30] Broadsword] Damage Control II Photonic Upgraded Co-Processor Signal Amplifier II Signal Amplifier II 50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Medium Capacitor Booster II M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II Medium Energy Nosferatu II Medium Energy Nosferatu II M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Hail S x1500 Navy Cap Booster 800 x18 Nanite Repair Paste x75 Focused Warp Disruption Script x3 Focused Warp Scrambling Script x3 Standard Mindflood Booster x2 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner x1
[ADV-30] Broadsword

Heavy shield support cruiser. Focus on locking down hostile Command Destroyers and securing tackle on primaries. 100km+ lock range allows you to negate spearfishing as well by locking them and spamming your warp disruption field generator on them with a script loaded. Try to isolate the second boosh that gets activated since that's the one you want to target, but in a pinch it's a 50/50 shot. 100mn refit in cargo, offline NOS. Important: Warp disruption scripts will shut down a hostile boosher's microjumpdrive, and these are very long range.

EFT Format