[Devoter, [ADV-30] Devoter] Centum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type EM Energized Membrane Damage Control II Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane 50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster Sensor Booster II Small Energy Nosferatu II Small Energy Nosferatu II 125mm Gatling AutoCannon I M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator Medium Trimark Armor Pump II Medium Trimark Armor Pump II Navy Cap Booster 100 x120 Nanite Repair Paste x300 Republic Fleet EMP S x1000 ECCM Script x1 Scan Resolution Script x1 Targeting Range Script x1 Focused Warp Disruption Script x3 Focused Warp Scrambling Script x3
[ADV-30] Devoter

Heavy armor support cruiser. Focus on locking down hostile Command Destroyers and securing tackle on primaries. 100km+ lock range allows you to negate spearfishing as well by locking them and spamming your warp disruption field generator on them with a script loaded. Try to isolate the second boosh that gets activated since that's the one you want to target, but in a pinch it's a 50/50 shot. Important: Warp disruption scripts will shut down a hostile boosher's microjumpdrive, and these are very long range.

EFT Format