[Tristan, [FL33T] Tristan] Drone Damage Amplifier II Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector Damage Control II J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier 1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer Small Transverse Bulkhead I Small Transverse Bulkhead I Small Transverse Bulkhead I Hobgoblin II x6
[FL33T] Tristan

Ram into your opponent with the full neut Tristan. This fit is best against other frigates that relies on capacitor for damage (laser and blaster users) and can even succeed against a Coercer. 3 small neuts will take down a frigate capacitor in 2 cycles, shutting down their active tank, prop mod and tackle, letting you free to kill them with your drones or leave if the situation gets dicy. Don't forget to stagger your neuts to avoid bad surprises.

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